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Book Publications 

Globalization and the Politics of Institutional Reform in Japan (Edward Elgar, March 2016)

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Games of Conflict and Cooperation in Asia (Springer, March 2017) (edited with Akira Okada) 

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Journal Publications

“Introduction: The rise of formal institutions in the Asia-Pacific region through competitive regime complexity,”

 International Relations of the Asia-Pacific 24(3), September 2024,pp.1-31.  

“The promise and peril of multilevel surveillance in East Asia,” 

Leading by Design: Asian Lessons for Global Financial Stability. Global Development Policy Center, Boston University, January 2024,pp.19-24.

Aiding Higher Education with Export Expansion in the Developing World,

World Trade Review,​ 2023, pp.1-21.

The punitive impact of radical right populism on foreign aid: immigration pressure and mainstream partnership,

European Political Science Review, 2023,pp.1-20.

Ideas for macroeconomic surveillance: a comparative text analysis of country reports by global and regional financial organizations,

Review of International Political Economy, 2023,pp.1-25 (with Akitaka Matsuo; Azusa Uji).

“Japan’s Structural Reform in the Age of Economic Globalization.”

In The Politics of Structural Reforms, edited by Hideko Magara and Sacchi, Elgar, 2013, pp.89-125.

“The Politics of Coordination in Japanese Foreign Aid,” International Studies Association, Montreal, Canada, 2011.


“The Politics of Coordination and Miscoordination in the post-Cold War United States-Japan Alliance: from a Japanese perspective,” International Relations of the Asia-Pacific 10:3 (September 2010), pp. 491-51.

“Internationalism and Nationalism in Modern Japan,” Il Politico 218:2, 2008, pp. 143-158, Pavia University, Italy.

“Human Rights Crises and Regional Economic System: A Comparative Analysis,”

Annual Meeting of the lnternational Studies Association, San Francisco, 2008.

“Between Bilateralism and Multilateralism: The Institutional Politics of Trade Liberalization in East Asia,”

Kyoto Journal of Law and Politics 3(1), 2006, pp.63-80.

“Institutional Politics of Trade Liberalization in East Asia,” University of Milan, Milan ,Italy, 2007.

“How do Regional 0rgaizations Respond to Human Rights Crises?” 

University of Iceland, Iceland Reykjavik, Iceland, 2006.

“Free Trade Agreements and Domestic Economic Reform,”

1 Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 2006.

“Institutional Strategies for Trade Liberalization in East Asia,”

Annual Meetings of the International Studies Association, San Diego, California, 2006.

“Change and Continuity in Japan's International Commitments,”

COE International Symposium, Keio University, Tokyo, 2006.

“International Economics and Security in a Changing East Asia,”

International Studies Association, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2005.

“Institutional Designs for Regional Integration: Coordinating Trade Liberalization with Human Rights Protection,”

International Studies Association, Honolulu Hawaii, 2005.

“Determinants of Multiparty Competition under Japan’s Parallel Electoral System,”

Kyoto Journal of Law and Political Science 2, 2005, pp. 1-19.

“Markets, Democratic States, and Regional Order,”

COE International Symposium, Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University, 2005.

“Impacts of Institutions on Settling Trade Disputes,”

21 世紀COE 研究会,芝蘭会館, 2003.

“Distributional Problems, Strategic Delay, and International Cooperation,”

Policy Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University, 1998, pp. 55-70.

“The Use of the Encompassing Principle to Resolve Empirical Controversies in Voting Behavior,”

Electoral Studies 15(3), 1996, pp. 383-98 (with James Granato).    

“The Rationality of Economic Voting Revisited,”

Journal of Politics 58(1), February 1996, pp.224-36 (with Henry W. Chappell, Jr.).

"Evolutionary Voter Sophistication and Political Business Cycles,”

Public Choice 81(3‑4), December 1994, pp. 241‑67.

“Economic Interdependence, Relative Gains, and International Cooperation,”

International Studies Quarterly 38, September 1994, pp. 475‑98.

“Partisan Dealignment and the Dynamics of Independence,”

British Journal of Political Science 24 (1), January 1994, pp. 57‑77 (with Harold D. Clarke).

“Domestic Political Determinants of Inflation,”

European Journal of Political Research 23 (3), April 1993, pp.245‑60.

“Aggregate Vote Functions for the U.S. Presidency, Senate, and House,”

Journal of Politics 55 (1), February 1993, pp. 207‑18 (with Henry W. Chappell, Jr.).

“Political Business Cycles in the Public Mind,”

American Political Science Review 86 (4), December 1992, pp.989‑96.

“The Rationality of Economic Voting and the Macroeconomic Regime,”

American Journal of Political Science 35 (3), August 1991, pp. 624‑42.

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